Elementary Education B.A.

Little boy holding pencil

About the Elementary Education Program

如果你有激情和热情与年轻人一起工作,B.A. 在初等教育与中级水平的认证准备你一个非常有意义的职业生涯教小学和初中学生. In addition to taking education courses, 您将选择数学或普通科学的教学重点,以获得在该领域教学所需的适当深度和学术严谨性. Upon successful completion of this program, 你将有资格获得在esball官方网教授初等教育(1-6年级)和中级教育(5-8年级)的完整认证.


Interested in Elementary Education?


Program Details

Course Information

Here we provide information on course requirements, 每个项目的课程描述和罗德州学术地图, 一个学期一个学期的计划,帮助你在四年内毕业.

Course Requirements

Course Descriptions


Academic Rhode Map for Concentration in Mathematics B.A.

Writing in the Discipline


Writing is central to the field of education as it is through writing that we make sense of the world; learners use writing to think, to discover, to understand. 写作也是一种沟通手段,教师候选人必须表现出与家庭和社区沟通的写作能力, contribute to academic reports on students, 为代课教师撰写计划,并参与有关地区的专业写作, state and national levels.

Most importantly, writing is an art and a craft: We write to convey, to express, to inform, to entertain, to remember, to explain, to surprise, to examine, to teach, to convince, to persuade, 要分析……,未来的教师必须表现出在这些(和其他)写作领域的能力, ultimately, 他们将在课堂上为学生充当作家和写作的榜样.

哪些课程被指定为满足学科写作(WID)要求? Why these courses?

ELED 469 Seminar in Student Teaching (Elementary)
ECED 469 Seminar in Student Teaching (Early Childhood)

Both ELED 469 and ECED 469 are capstone courses. 他们概括了学生将在整个项目课程中从事的各种写作经验, culminating in the Teacher Candidate Work Sample (TCWS).

TCWS是一篇学术文章,讲述学生如何参与学习某一特定方面的内容, while also using writing to:

  • Contextualize an educational setting
  • Plan for lessons
  • Analyze data in a variety of ways
  • Explain a process of study
  • Evaluate findings
  • Reflect on decisions made and future directions

学生将在你们系的WID课程中学习和练习什么形式或类型的写作? Why these genres?


  • Academic (research papers, presentations, case studies)
  • Professional (communication with students, families and community partners; philosophies of education and statements of belief)
  • 反思性(为了指导教学而回顾教学/学习)

As they write in these three domains, 学生将有机会练习其他类型的写作, including:

  • Informational
  • Persuasive
  • Analytic
  • Reflective
  • Opinion


  • Chart growth in student learning over time
  • 记录学生对写作内容、学科、类型态度的变化
  • Offer suggestions about how to go forward


在小学和幼儿课程的学生将体验, first-hand, 他们将要求学生进行写作练习:选择主题, one-to-one writing conferences with the professor; meeting in response groups in class to share writing and receive feedback; examining what makes a piece of writing effective – or not effective – and discussing why; reading model pieces in a variety of genres and discussing characteristics of effective writing; participating in the process of developing a rubric on which their own writing will be assessed – engaging in self-assessment, 然后反思题目设计和评估的过程,以及这对未来学生的工作意味着什么.

当他们满足了你部门的WID要求时, 学生应该知道和能够做什么写作?

They should know that writing has power: to inform, to instruct, to influence; that the genre and form depend on the purpose and audience; and that writing is a process which is recursive, not linear and it requires long, uninterrupted blocks of time.​​​​

Rhode Island College entrance

Program Coordinator