数学B.A. 和小

Happy math students at desks with supplies

What to Expect

在RIC的B中.A. in mathematics program, 你将经历一段世界上最古老、最丰富的学科之一的旅程,同时培养你为各种各样的职业做好准备的技能. 事实上,你会发现数学不仅仅是解方程, these skills make up only a small portion of the discipline. 数学家还必须进行逻辑的、系统的思考和清晰的沟通.

Curriculum Sequence

The journey begins with 微积分, after which you will learn fundamentals in proof, 线性代数, abstract algebra, 概率, statistics 和 applied mathematics, culminating in a senior seminar, where you will combine 和 synthesize what you have learned.

Program Outcomes

数学专业学生的一些常见职业道路是商业、经济和银行. 许多数学家也在科学技术领域工作. 例如,谷歌招聘数学家来创建搜索算法. You will also find math majors in the role of accountant, 精算师, 统计学家, 技术员, 经济学家, market 研究er, academic 研究er, educator 和 engineer. 以B开头.A. 数学学位,你将获得技能,很好地转移到各种各样的职业生涯.


Interested in Mathematics?

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Program Details

Course Information

Here we provide information on course requirements, course descriptions 和 an Academic Rhode Map for each program, 一个学期一个学期的计划,帮助你在四年内毕业.

Course Requirements

Course Descriptions

Academic Rhode Map

Program/Learning Goals

Upon completion of this program, students will:

  • 对数学的内容和方法有一定的了解
  • underst和 和 use basic concepts 和 techniques in algebra, 微积分, 概率 和 other major topics
  • underst和 和 use the definition/theorem/proof process, including reading, 写作, 和 analyzing mathematical proofs
  • 运用数学知识解决各种应用中的问题,并能传达解决过程
  • use appropriate technology

Writing in the Discipline


In any career involving mathematics – including business, 研究, 教学和其他活动——关于过程和结果的书面交流很重要. 从事数学工作的人需要能够解释结果(包括对非技术观众的解释)。, 需要能够详细说明解决过程的步骤,需要能够写出精确的数学证明. 

哪些课程被指定为满足学科写作(WID)要求? Why these courses?

数学科学系提供两个数学本科学位:B.A. in liberal arts mathematics 和 the B.A. in secondary education, with a concentration in mathematics. 该系已在每个专业中选定两门必修课程,并指定为符合WID要求.

Liberal 艺术 Mathematics
  • MATH 300: Bridge to Advanced Mathematics
  • MATH 461: Seminar in Mathematics
Secondary Education, with a Concentration in Mathematics
  • MATH 300: Bridge to Advanced Mathematics
  • MATH 458: History of Mathematics​

《贝博esball官方网站》致力于教授如何写出正式的数学证明. 它也包含过程导向和解释性写作,虽然程度较低. 数学458涉及大量的过程导向和解释性写作, 和, like all other upper-level mathematics courses, involves formal proofs. 数学461涉及大量的过程导向和解释性写作, 和, like all other upper-level mathematics courses, involves formal proofs.

学生将在你们系的WID课程中学习和练习什么形式或类型的写作? Why these genres?

数学学科的写作很可能分为三类. 第一种是解释性的,作者在其中传达数学概念的要点. The second is process-oriented, 其中作者通过对特定问题的分析详细说明推理(这一类别可以被认为是“展示你的工作”这一熟悉指令的扩展版本)。. The final category is formal mathematical proofs, 详细的逻辑论证,可以说是数学家版本的有说服力的文章. (Source: (Russek, 1998; Flesher, 2003.) 

All three of the categories can inform a reader, 这三个都可以用来证明作者对主题的理解. 此外, 所有这些都可以作为“从写作到学习”的活动,因为作者必须分析和完善自己的理解,才能创造和修改一个产品.


In MATH 300, a scaffolded approach to teaching proofs is used. 证明从一个简单的层面开始,有模板和指导方针. 所有的讲师都努力给出如何构建证明的详细标准:必须说什么, what pattern to follow, what wording to use 和 to avoid 和 so on. Repetition 和 revision are universally employed. All instructors use frequent assignments 和 provide feedback, 和 some instructors choose to use group work, peer discussion 和 low-stakes class presentations. As the semester progresses, the proofs that are being studied 和 written get more complex, 和 different techniques 和 topics are introduced.

In MATH 458, styles 和 assignments vary from instructor to instructor. 然而, all use daily assignments with an attempt to provide rapid feedback, 和 low-stakes student presentations 和 discussions are a staple. When projects are assigned, 通过一系列的截止日期和与教师的讨论,它们被清晰地定义和结构化. 阅读的调查和一些简短的总结通常用来开始这个过程, followed by a choice of topic, a collection of sources, 一个大纲, a rough draft 和 so on, with feedback from the instructor at every step.

Minor in Mathematics

选修辅修课程可以让你探索其他感兴趣的领域,并建立跨学科的联系. Minor areas at RIC complement 和 reinforce all major areas of study. By declaring a minor, you can set yourself apart as a c和idate for job, internship 和 volunteer opportunities.

Minor in Mathematics

Rhode Isl和 College entrance


Department of Mathematical Sciences
