
  1. 部门目录
  2. Department of Political Science
  3. 公共行政B.A.

A Degree for a Career in the Public and Nonprofit Sectors

B.A. 在公共管理是专为学生谁希望追求事业在公共和非营利部门在国家, 州和地方两级. As a pre-professional program rooted in the liberal arts, 公共管理课程是为寻求入门级行政或管理职位的学生或希望在公共和非营利管理等一系列政策领域获得高级学位的学生设计的, 公法, public health and public policy among others, including information technology and security and disaster management. 这个学位也有助于为那些在慈善组织等私营企业寻求职业的本科生做好准备, 大学, 医院, 医疗保险公司, 国防承包商, 公共管理的公用事业, lobbying and consulting companies.

B.A.m.P.A. Program with the University of Rhode Island (URI)

Rhode Island College also offers the B.A.m.P.A. Program in cooperation with URI. 这个项目让esball官方网的学生在完成esball官方网的本科学习后,有机会开始他们在公共管理方面的研究生培训. Early advisement is essential for students seeking admission to this program. 这个合作项目的学生可以在15个月的全日制学习中获得公共管理硕士学位,也可以在兼职的基础上获得学位. M.P.A. prepares students for careers as professional administrators of federal, state and local government agencies and private nonprofit organizations. 学生应在大三下学期之前咨询公共管理专业的主任.

More Information from URI on the Master of Public Administration


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Here we provide information on course requirements, course descriptions and an 罗德州学术地图 for each program, a semester-by-semester plan to help you toward graduation in four years.





Upon completion of this program, students will have:

  • 对美国当前的政治和政府结构和流程有充分的了解.
  • 了解当前美国以外的政治和政府结构和流程.
  • An understanding of influential thinkers and ideas that have shaped democratic values.
  • 理解描述性和规范性理论之间的区别,因为它适用于政治和政府.
  • The ability to recognize and assess evidence that supports or contradicts ideas.
  • The ability to demonstrate a proficiency in the use technological resources such as the Internet, 在线数据, and library-based search engines.
  • Skill in writing papers with a clear thesis, organization and no distracting grammatical errors.
  • 通过实习或其他体验性的设置,积极参与政治和政府活动,应用在课堂上学到的知识.
  • Chosen a coherent set of courses within the major under the guidance of an advisor.
  • Received active guidance in selection of post-baccalaureate opportunities including graduate schools, 法学院, a range of governmental services and other employment.


In what ways is writing important to your profession?

有效的书面沟通是公共管理专业的一项重要技能. 毕业后,公共管理专业的学生可能会选择研究生院或法学院,在那里他们需要良好的写作能力. 公共管理是一门专业预科课程,所以学生们经常寻求政府和其他公共部门机构的入门级专业工作,这些工作需要有高质量的写作,而且经常会被各种各样的受众看到,比如民选官员, news reporters and the broader public.

哪些课程被指定为满足学科写作(WID)要求? 为什么选这些课程?

POL 301:公共管理基础是所有公共管理专业必修的WID课程. 本课程帮助学生完成公共管理专业的研究性写作要求.

What forms or genres of writing will students learn and practice in your department’s WID courses? 为什么会有这些类型?

The principle form of writing taught in POL 301 is the policy memorandum. POL 301以讲座/研讨会的形式进行教学,其中包括一些必要的小组合作项目和个人作业, 包括一篇10页的研究论文,要求学生证明他们能够找到并有效地使用学术文献, professional journals and government reports to answer a researchable question. 研究论文还要求学生构建一个带注释的参考书目,说明他们可以识别每种类型的文献. A library guide is available at Adams library for Academic journals, and in class the faculty member provides a list of professional organizations, particularly the American Society of Public Administration (ASPA), where students can access professional journals across the range of 公共管理 subfields. 政府报告可从丰富的专业协会中获得,如国家预算办公室协会(NASBO),该协会也有关于广泛主题的政府报告档案. 学生还需要为这篇10页的论文写一篇100到200字的执行摘要. 行政摘要是公共行政学科的关键文件,因为它是决策者最有可能阅读的文件. 总而言之, 在POL 301课程中,学生将学习识别和写出公共行政领域中常见的三种专业写作类型(例如:公共行政写作)., policy memorandum, research paper, executive summary).

What kinds of teaching practices will students encounter in your department’s WID courses?

POL 301使公共管理专业的学生期望写不止一份论文草稿,并在每份草稿之后收到教师的反馈. That feedback focuses on an understanding of the topic (academic context), 报纸的组织结构, 证据的使用, 语法清晰正确, spelling and similar writing basics. There also are a number of assignments in the class that require group collaborative writing. 学生们在制作ppt的过程中学会分享研究和写作的责任, to be accompanied by a brief but collaboratively written memorandum.

When they’ve completed your department’s WID requirement, what should students know and be able to do with writing?​

公共管理专业WID要求的预期结果是,学生将对政策备忘录有更多的理解和实践, a key genre of writing in public sector work, as well as the research paper and executive summary. Students will understand when and how to employ academic research, professional studies and cases, 和政府报告构建政策备忘录,并将学习如何正确地引用来源使用美国政治科学协会(APSA)参考风格.​​​​



Department of Political Science

The Department of Political Science oversees degree programs in political science, 公共管理, geography and a certificate program in international nongovernmental organizations.