

Here the 财务主管的办公室 provides the answers to questions that it often receives. If you find that your question is not addressed here, please 请与财务处联络.


You will be assessed tuition and fees based upon your student category and residence. 如果你是永久居民, 一年多了, 是esball官方网, 你可以在 注册处 in 建设4. 除了, 被认为不依赖父母而独立, a student must not have been claimed as a dependent for tax purposes for two years, and the student must have resided in Rhode Island for at least one year. If you possess a baccalaureate degree you will pay graduate tuition. If you have been accepted into a second undergraduate degree program, 你将支付本科学费. 你有责任通知学院你的状态,这样你就能得到正确的账单.

该学院已经升级了系统,每学期向学生发送电子账单. 电子账单(电子账单)现在是esball官方网的官方账单方式. 它是可靠的, 为学生和家长提供方便快捷的服务,比纸质账单更环保.

Your student will be sent an 电子邮件 when his/her E-Bill is available for viewing. This 电子邮件 is sent only to the student’s official RIC 电子邮件 address, so it is very important that your son or daughter check RIC 电子邮件 regularly. 帐单将在邮局寄出 MyRIC 门户网站. Your student may give you access to view his or her E-Bill, make payments and can set you up as an authorized user. 对于纸质账单,你的学生必须登录他或她的MyRIC账户打印一份.

学费 bills are due approximately two weeks prior to the start of the semester. 学生有责任检查他们的注册,以确保其反映了他们本学期的入学意向。学生有两周的增减期,以调整他们的时间表. A one hundred percent (100%) refund of tuition and fees (except transcript, 在此期间放弃的课程可获得入学费和新生入学费. Drops after this period will not be eligible for a refund of tuition or fees.

学生有一个星期的增减期,在此期间他们可以调整自己的暑期课程. 在此期间放弃的课程,学费和杂费将100%退还. Drops after this period will not be eligible for a refund of tuition or fees.



Through the electronic payment option, you can pay by credit card or e-check.
信用卡支付将有一个 便利费2元.85 percent added to each credit card transaction. 的re is no fee for electronic check processing. 使用可选BankMobile Vibe支票账户的学生应以电子支票支付(ACH)方式处理,并提供银行路由号码和账户号码.


登录 MyRIC 并选择校园财务下的链接进行付款并按照说明进行付款.


You will need to have your student authorize you to make the online payment. 一旦授权,您将通过电子邮件从TransAct发送一个链接,以完成交易.


600 Mt.愉快的大道
普罗维登斯,RI 02908


你可于正常办公时间内,以现金或支票亲身前往财务司处缴交税款, 建设4东校区. Credit Card payments are accepted electronically only.

学生有责任支付所有学费, 因注册和/或接受服务而评估的费用和其他相关费用. Payment is due by the appropriate due date of the billing invoice.


里克的 财务主管的办公室 接受现金和支票. 的 财务主管的办公室 does not accept credit cards. Payment by cash may only be made in person at the 财务主管的办公室, 建设4东校区.

信用卡付款只能在网上进行. 便利费2元.85 percent will be added to each credit card transaction. American Express, MasterCard, and Discover are accepted. 的 fee for international card payments will be 4.25%. 的 minimum service fee for card transactions over $20 and less than $106 will be $3.

Payment by electronic check may only be made online. 电子支票处理不收费. 使用可选BankMobile Vibe支票账户的学生应以电子支票支付(ACH)方式处理,并提供银行路由号码和支票账户号码.

Payment by check will be accepted in person at the 财务主管的办公室 or by mail.



登录 MyRIC 并选择校园财务下的链接进行付款并按照说明进行付款.


You will need to have your student authorize you to make the online payment. 一旦授权,您将通过电子邮件从TransAct发送一个链接,以完成交易.

  • 营业时间:周一至周五,上午8:30 -下午4:30
  • 夏季工作时间:周一至周五,上午8点至下午4点
  • 国家法定节假日休息

Please Note: Online payments are accepted 24 hours everyday.

的 fall term bill is normally due during the first week of August. 的 spring term bill is normally due during the first week of January. 的 summer bills are normally due in the middle of May and the last week of June.

  • 的 Application Fee is used to defray the cost of processing an application.
  • 的 Applied Music Fee is used to cover the cost of private music lessons.
  • 体育费用于支持校内学生, intercollegiate and recreation activities and programming.
  • 餐饮中心/学生会的费用用于偿还联邦政府的贷款,这些贷款使建筑的建设成为可能.
  • 美术费用于为学院的美术和表演艺术提供机会和活动.
  • 健康, Counseling and Wellness Fee is used to support Health Services, Counseling Center and other student service programs.
  • 实验室/工作室艺术费用于支付学院为参加特定课程的学生提供的实验室和艺术用品的费用.
  • 的 图书馆 Fee is used to cover the costs of purchasing books, 期刊, 及图书馆的非印刷资料.
  • 的 Recreation Fee is used to cover the operation and programs of the Recreation Center.
  • 学生活动费分配给学生议会,用于资助学生活动计划.
  • 技术费用于支付学生在校园内使用的设备和软件的购买费用.
  • 交通费用于资助为学生重新建立折扣的RIPTA票价计划和改善校园停车.
  • 学费(一般费用)用于支付教育学生和运行学院的基本费用.
  • 成绩单费是一次性收费,学生有权在适当要求时获得成绩单.
  • 新学生项目费是在学生每次被录取进入学院的新学位或证书项目时进行评估的.

任何在esball官方网支付全日制学费的本科生在秋季和春季学期最多可以修7个学分 罗德岛大学 或者是 罗德岛社区学院(CCRI) 或者两者都不用支付额外费用. 学生必须在中国科学院注册至少5个学分,并且在所有机构的总学分不得超过18个. 的 forms required for this procedure are available at the 注册处.

您的学费将根据前两周课程的所有增加和/或减少进行调整. A revised bill is normally forwarded to each student at the beginning of each semester. 此汇票可用于支付到期款项. It may also be used to waive insurance coverage, 核实财政援助状况, 注册付款计划, and verify billing changes due to course changes.

财务主管的办公室 automatically reviews each student's tuition account and generates refunds each week. Student refunds will be issued electronically through BankMobile Disbursements, 由BMTX提供支持的技术解决方案, 公司. Additional information about this process may be found at 银行移动支付退款选择.

提供 财务主管的办公室 a copy of the authorization to bill the third party prior to the due date of the bill. 财务处将向第三方开具账单.

No. 我们不兑现支票.​

学院的学费政策要求在注册未来学期之前全额支付所有先前的余额. 的 财务主管的办公室 will work with you to make satisfactory payment arrangements.

财政援助办事处 向在开课前未收到预期经济援助的学生发放短期图书贷款. 详情请联系财务援助办公室.

所有本科学位学生, 在第一学期结算期结束时预注册九个或更多学分, are normally automatically enrolled in the student health insurance program. 这种保险是为没有参加健康保险计划的学生提供的基本健康保险. If you have been assessed this coverage and do not wish to be enrolled in this program, complete the waiver form and return it to the insurance company by the due date. 您可以访问学生保险网站: 大学健康计划. 如果你还没有被评估过保险费用,并且希望获得保险,你可以在 财务主管的办公室. To be eligible, you must be enrolled in a minimum of six credits. 手册可在财务处办公室索取.




的 office of the Bursar provides information related to tuition rates and fees, as well as payment options and billing deadlines.