When to Explore and When to Commit

有些学生进入大学时就知道自己想学什么专业. 还有一些新生希望在选择专业之前先探索一下自己的选择. 我们希望确保你在“探索”的过程中,能在四年后顺利毕业.” That is important for you academically and financially.

大学政策要求学生在修满45个学分后选择专业. 这包括转学和考试学分,以及在高中时获得的大学学分(如RIC的早期入学计划)。. 但是如果你不太确定你的方向,你如何选择你的课程呢?

The college has created 6 Academic Rhode Maps, 对于尚未决定专业的新生和转学(少于45学分)来说,每一个都是一个探索领域. 这些地图包括与这六大重点领域相关的专业, and each has a three-semester academic plan.

Academic Rhode Maps

Academic Rhode Maps are for all undergraduate b​achelor programs, 并旨在为学生提供最佳毕业之路的指导, in as timely a fashion as possible. 不是每个人都能在四年内毕业,这取决于你修了多少课程, and how you do in those courses. These maps map are not your only route; they are suggestions. 如果你需要的课程在这些时候提供,你可能会在夏季(或早春/冬季)参加额外的课程来赶上或领先.

Maps list all courses needed to complete a program and graduate, along with course prerequisites and possible minimum grades. 它们包括每学期推荐的课程选择,涵盖你的专业和通识教育项目, 并且在那些学分较少的项目中有可能的辅修或第二专业的空间. 沿途的检查点可以帮助你确定你是否在毕业的轨道上,包括你每个学期需要注意的事情, including your target GPA, when to see your advisor, and other requirements.

罗德州学术地图主要是为第一次进入大学的新生设计的, 但转学生也可以使用罗德地图,但他们必须明白,他们很可能已经通过学分转移完成了几项要求, and will be starting further into the program. Maps also assume a Fall start.

6 Areas to Explore if You're Unsure of a Major


If you select Exploring Arts, you are considering a possible major in Art, Dance, Film Studies, Music or Theatre. 你的学术罗德地图会让你走上正轨,这样你就可以在你达到45个学分的时候宣布一个专业. 作为你的学术顾问,学术咨询办公室的工作人员将指导你浏览地图. The map is two-sided, with the three-semester plan and checkpoints on the front, and a listing of course numbers and titles on the back.


If you select Exploring Business, you are considering a possible major in Accounting, Economics, Finance, Health Care Administration (HCA), Management or Marketing. 你的学术罗德地图会让你走上正轨,这样你就可以在你达到45个学分的时候宣布一个专业. As your academic advisor, OASIS staff will guide you through the map. The map is two-sided, 正面是三个学期的计划和检查点,背面是课程编号和标题.


If you select Exploring Humanities, you are considering a possible major in English, History, Philosophy or Modern Languages (Francophone Studies, French, Latin American Studies, Portuguese, Spanish). 你的学术罗德地图会让你走上正轨,这样你就可以在你达到45个学分的时候宣布一个专业. As your academic advisor, OASIS staff will guide you through the map. The map is two-sided, 正面是三个学期的计划和检查点,背面是课程编号和标题.

Science/Math Sciences

如果你选择探索科学/数学科学,那么你正在考虑一个可能的生物专业, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics, or Physics.

Health Sciences

如果你选择探索健康科学-健康科学,那么你正在考虑一个可能的健康科学专业(额外的浓度在人类服务或医学实验室科学), Medical Imaging (Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Nuclear Medicine Technology, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, or Radiography), or Nursing.

​​Exploring Social & Behavioral Sciences

If you select Exploring Social & Behavioral Sciences, you are considering a possible major in Africana Studies, Anthropology, Communication, Environmental Studies, Gender Studies, Geography, Global Studies, Justice Studies, Political Science, Psychology, Public Administration, Social Work or Sociology. 你的学术罗德地图会让你走上正轨,这样你就可以在你达到45个学分的时候宣布一个专业. 作为你的学术顾问,学术咨询办公室的工作人员将指导你浏览地图. The map is two-sided, 正面是三个学期的计划和检查点,背面是课程编号和标题清单.

Understand Advising and Declaring a Major

Who Advises Me?

Academic advising is mandatory for all undergraduate degree candidates at RIC. 在RIC开始第一学期的学生(新录取和入学的大一新生和转学生)将在由学校主办的各自的迎新课程中得到建议 Office of Academic Advising.

While you are an “exploring” major, the Office of Academic Advising will serve as your academic advisor

Each semester, 在秋季和春季学期的注册期之前,注册办公室通过服务指示符号在您的记录上放置建议保留(UAD) not required for summer registration).

目前入学的本科生每学期都会收到一封来自Records的电子邮件,通知他们咨询顾问以确保课程选择的适用性,然后取消通用建议块. “学术指导办公室”将作为你的指导老师出现在MyRIC页面上.

在9月,你将需要做你的咨询预约,为春季注册做准备. In February, 与学术咨询办公室预约咨询时间,为秋季注册做准备. 当你选择一个专业时,你会被分配一个你专业部门的指导老师.​​

Policy on Declaring a Major

所有本科学位学生必须在修满45学分(包括所有已修课程和考试学分)之前申报专业。. 未申报专业的学生将被暂停注册.

In practice, 少于45学分的新生或转学生可以选择进入esball官方网作为探索专业(以前称为“未申报”). Once students have declared a major, they cannot go back to Exploring, but are free to change majors from among the college’s offerings.​​


Rhode Island College entrance


Chris DaCosta

Christopher J. Da Costa

Director of Academic Advising