What Does IR Do?


What Does IR Do?


Project Time of Year Completed
NECHE accreditation support As requested
Program-level accreditation support As requested
Program review support As requested
行政政策制定过程支持 On-going
战略预算和资源委员会(SBRC)—Director is a member 每周
Strategic plan support As requested

为未来的学生在选择大学时使用的各种出版物完成调查, 包括对大学进行排名的出版物.

Project Time of Year Completed
ACT Graduate 4月
ACT Undergraduate 3月
College Board December
Common Data Set November
Peterson's Graduate 3月
Peterson's Undergraduate February
Princeton Review 3月
US News and World Report/td> 4月-June
Wintergreen Orchard 4月

数据管理:办公室帮助确保数据的准确性, consistency, 以及学院数据在各种用途上的可用性. 我们还创建和维护报告、研究和分析的官方文件.

Project Time of Year Completed
Admissions: Create Official Term files Last day of add/drop each term (Fall & Spring)
CASBO (Committee on Administration Systems & Business Operations)—Associate Director is a member Monthly
CIP(教学计划分类)代码—Assign and maintain for RIC On-going
Completions—Create official annual files 7月
课程 & Enrollment—Create official term files 每学期(秋、春、夏)加/减课的最后一天
Data Governance Council—Director co-chairs Ongoing
Data Integrity Committee—Associate Director chairs Ongoing
Employee-根据从HR获得的数据创建正式文件 November
Faculty Load—Create official file 秋季和春季学期的中期,视工资而定.
Faculty Salary—Create official file jointly with HR October
Grades and Credits—Create official end-of-term files Six weeks after the end of each term
esball官方网高等教育专员办公室数据仓库—Create and send files As requested

Gathers, maintains, 并分析学院的外部环境信息, including 状态 legislation, labor market trends, competitor institutions, 等.

Project Time of Year Completed
人口统计、劳动力市场和其他趋势的外部数据 As requested
Institutional peer group—Develop and maintain On-going
Literature on key higher education issues—Maintain library on office shared drive On-going

负责确保该学院符合其向联邦政府提交的外部报告要求, 状态, accrediting agencies, and other organizations; completes or assists with a variety of surveys for such entities; responds to ad hoc requests from external constituencies when appropriate.


Project Time of Year Completed
美国大学教授协会教师薪酬调查 December
APRA(访问公共记录法)处理非财务请求 On-going
Ad hoc requests-响应来自外部选区的数据请求. On-going
CSWE(社会工作教育委员会)社会工作计划年度调查 1月
高校人事协会薪酬调查 -(行政、教师和专业人员) December/1月
IPEDS(综合高等教育数据系统)秋季收集 (院校特点、完成情况、12个月入学) October
IPEDS Spring Collection (秋季招生、财务、人力资源、学术图书馆、招生) 4月
IPEDS Winter Collection (学生资助,毕业率,200%毕业率,成果) February
National and regional surveys (NSF, NEBHE, NCES, 等.) Depends on survey
全美艺术学院协会 & 主管(高等教育及高等教育艺术及数据服务)调查 1月
全国音乐学校协会调查 1月
新英格兰高等教育委员会(NECHE)年度概况 4月/May
OPC Enrollment Report October
PBN (Providence Business News) surveys As requested
RI Performance Funding Initiative November


Project Time of Year Completed
东北院校研究协会财务委员会—Director is a member Several times a year
NEAIR Workshop Coordinator—Associate Director is a member Monthly
NECHE Institutional liaison—Director is a member On-going
OPC Data Warehouse Steering Committee—Director is a member On-going
State committees and organizations, other—Director is a member As requested

每学期生成标准报告,使校园社区了解有关入学的主要趋势, course taking patterns, 教师, 等.; also responds to ad hoc requests for data from internal constituencies.

Project Time of Year Completed
Ad hoc requests-响应来自不同机构的数据要求 On-going
Enrollment Projections Fall: 7月/August
Spring: December
Enrollment Tracking (通过商业智能仪表板和报告) Fall: September
Spring: November-1月
Summer: 4月-June
Fact Book Spring term
Narrative Enrollment Report Fall: Late September/Early October
Spring: February
Summer: 7月
对具体调查结果的叙述性报告 As requested
Narrative reports on topics (Retention, Transfer students, 等.) As requested
Official Census Report Fall: Late September
Spring: Mid-February
Quick Facts November
Retention Report November

对全校学生进行调查, 工作人员, and other constituencies on a variety of topics to support planning and assessment; manages the college’s survey research policy and assists other offices/units in developing and administering surveys that are approved through the policy.

Project Time of Year Completed
校友 Survey, One Year Out, Graduate June-August (2017-2020)
校友 Survey, One Year Out, Undergraduate June-August (2014-2020)
校园 Climate Working Group-主任是成员,办公室是校园气候调查数据的官方存储库 On-going
Graduate Student Survey 3月-4月, (2016, 2017)
Homegrown surveys (支持学院/部门/单位的政策和举措等.) As requested
NSSE (National Survey of Student Engagement) 3 - 4月,每隔一年(2005、2007、2009、2011、2013、2015、2017、2018)
National Surveys, other -(ECAR, 等.) As requested
Non-Returning Student Survey Beginning of each semester (2017, 2018)
Student Census 隔年3 - 4月(2008年、2010年、2012年、2014年、2016年)
Survey of Accepted Students, Freshmen 4月-June (2013-2018)
Survey of Accepted Students, Transfers 4月-June (2015-2018)
Survey Research Policy—Manage policy for college On-going
Rhode Island College entrance



Institutional Research & 规划通过为内部和外部利益相关者提供准确的信息来支持学生的成功, 及时的, 为推动学院使命前进的决策提供适当和可用的信息和分析.