Dr. 苏珊一个. 克拉克

Department of Health and 体育课
  • 助理教授


2018 Granted Sabbatical at Rhode Island College
2011 Granted Tenure at Rhode Island College
2010-Present Coordinator Health 教育 Teacher Preparation Program
2006-Present 助理教授, Rhode Island College, Health and 体育课 Department



2016 RIDE Report for Health 教育 Program at Rhode Island College (major writer)
2015 CAEP/AAHE Report for Health 教育 Program at Rhode Island College (major writer)
2010 NCATE/AAHE Report for Health 教育 Program at Rhode Island College (major writer)
2010 National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Alcohol 教育 Grant Final Report
2008, 2009, 2010 NCAA Alcohol 教育 Grant Yearly 报告


Ed. D. 2006

C.A.G.S. 2002
Plymouth State College, Plymouth, NH 

M.Ed. 1998 
Springfield College, Springfield, MA 

B.S. 1989 
Plymouth State College, Plymouth, NH 
跨学科-心理学 & 运动科学


克拉克,年代. (2018年10月) Performance assessments aligned with skills-based health education Accepted Presentation at the American School Health Association National Conference. 印第安纳波利斯,

克拉克,年代. (with RIC Teacher Candidates) (2014, February). 还记得集合归纳法吗! Presentation at the Eastern District Association of AAHPERD. 纽波特,国际扶轮.

克拉克,年代. (2011年4月). 自尊教学策略. Presentation at the National AAHPERD Convention. 圣地亚哥,加州. 

克拉克,年代. (2010年11月). How to teach about depression and suicide gracefully and meaningfully. Accepted as oral presentation (delivered as virtual) at the International Conference of 教育, 研究与创新, 马德里, 西班牙. 

克拉克,年代. (2010年11月). Utilizing literature in health education curricula. Accepted as oral presentation (delivered as virtual) at the International Conference of 教育, 研究与创新, 马德里, 西班牙.

Berard Reed, K. & 克拉克,年代. 3月(2010). Using children"s literature in the health education classroom. Presentation at the National AAHPERD Conference. 印第安纳波利斯,.

克拉克,年代. 3月(2010). Teaching about depression gracefully and meaningfully. Presentation at the National AAHPERD Conference. 印第安纳波利斯,.

Berard Reed, K. & 克拉克,年代. 2月(2010). Bringing literature into the health education classroom: It"s easier than you think. Presentation at the Eastern District Association of AAHPERD Conference. 黑麦、纽约.

克拉克,年代. 2月(2010). Do as I say and as I do: Health educator as a role model. Presentation at the Eastern District of Association of AAHPERD Conference. 黑麦. NY.

克拉克,年代. 2月(2010). Stress management strategies your students will love and remember. Presentation at the Eastern District Association of AAHPERD Conference. 黑麦. NY.

克拉克,年代. 2月(2010)). Depression and suicide: Strategies for teaching with confidence and comfort. Presentation at the Eastern District Association of AAHPERD Conference. 黑麦、纽约.

克拉克,年代. (2009年11月). 心理健康教学策略. 在佛蒙特州的演讲 Association of Health, 体育课, 康乐及舞蹈会议, 凯灵顿, VT.

克拉克,年代. (2009年11月). Stress management teaching strategies. 在佛蒙特州的演讲 
Association of Health, 体育课, 康乐及舞蹈会议, 凯灵顿, VT.

Berard Reed, K. & 克拉克,年代. 2月(2008) Developing Rubrics in Health 教育. Presentation at the Eastern District Association of the American Alliance of Health, 体育课, 康乐及舞蹈会议, 纽波特,国际扶轮.


接受演讲:  克拉克,年代. (2010年1月). Depression and Suicide; Mental Health Teaching Strategies; and Stress Management Strategies for New Jersey Association of Health, 体育课, Recreation and Dance Convention


HPE 101人类性学
HPE 102个人健康
HPE 200 Promoting Health and Well-Being in Schools
HPE 326 Assessment in Health 教育
HPE 335消费者健康
HPE 410 Managing Stress and Mental/Emotional Health
HPE 417 Practicum in Elementary Health 教育
HPE 418 Practicum in Secondary Health 教育
HPE 419独立研究
HPE 422 Student Teaching Seminar in Health 教育
HPE 424 Student Teaching in Health 教育
HPE 431药物教育
HPE 434 Capstone in Health 教育
HPE 562 Graduate Seminar in Health 教育


Chair - Academic Integrity Board (2013-2022)

FSEHD Reflective Practice Committee (2008-2013 and 2018-present)

FSEHD Partnerships and Placements Committee (2013-2015)

FSEHD Assessment Committee (2015-2017)


Rhode Island College Council (2009-2013)

HPE Department Technology Committee (2017-present)


Development of Henry Barnard School health education curriculum with RIC and HBS faculty (2013)

Committee on Student Life (2009-2011)