RIC student teacher in health education class

关于 the Health Education Program

里克的B.S. 在健康教育计划是提供创新的,以技能为基础的教师准备的领导者. 我们完全认可的计划已由教育工作者准备认证委员会在全国范围内认可, the nation’s sole accrediting agency for preparing future educators.

RIC student teacher in health education class

Our faculty are dynamic educators and scholars who model best teaching practices, and our curriculum includes a wide variety of field experiences. You will be prepared to teach health content areas and learn how to plan, implement and assess health education curricula. Upon successful completion of this program, 你将有资格获得在esball官方网所有年级(Pre-K-12)教授健康教育的完整认证. 你也可以将健康教育和体育专业合并为双专业,获得B.S. degree in both disciplines in five years or less.

Teacher candidates are advised to read the HPE Teacher Preparation Program Guidance 文档, 咨询他们的项目顾问,并阅读范斯坦教育与人类发展学院网站上的信息,以便了解学生教学和认证的途径.


Interested in Health Education?

Rhode Island College is an exclusive member of the Common Application.



Here we provide information on course requirements, course descriptions and an 罗德州学术地图 for each program, a semester-by-semester plan to help you toward graduation in four years.




Writing in the Discipline

Why or in what ways is writing important to your discipline/field/profession?

健康教育中的写作对于学生、家庭和社区之间的交流至关重要. Writing is an essential skill in building health literacy in PK-12 students. 健康教育工作者用写作来描述他们的学校社区背景,并为他们需要教授的单元创建基本原理. Health educators use writing to describe unit and lesson plans, 创建评估和评估工具,并撰写学生学习成果报告. 写作是教师和他们的专业组织在展示研究和教学策略时的沟通工具. 写作在教师和行政人员之间用于许多类型的专业交流任务.

哪些课程被指定为满足学科写作(WID)要求? 为什么选这些课程?

The Health Education program has designated the following as its WID courses:

HPE 200: Promoting Health and Well-Being in Schools

HPE 418: Practicum in Secondary Health Education

HPE 422: Seminar in Health Education

HPE 424: Student Teaching in Health Education

HPE 200是第一年的必修课,是进入Feinstein教育与人类发展学院(FSEHD)的必修课。. 这是一门WID课程,因为学生必须练习和展示写作能力,这是他们未来课程和教学职业的基础(国家健康教育标准[NHES]), and in order to be accepted into the FSEHD. HPE 200 provides these writing opportunities.

HPE 418是一门WID课程,因为在这门课程中,教师候选人需要编写一份适用于学校环境的综合单元计划. 这是教师候选人工作样本(TCWS),是范斯坦教育与人类发展学院为进入学生教学工作准备学生教学作品集的要求. TCWS是一个教学单元计划,由多个部分组成,必须在学校实施, and since HPE 418 is a practicum, teacher candidates must use this course for this applied writing assignment.

HPE 422是一门WID课程,因为实习教师必须表现出与教学相关的几种类型的写作能力,以便在学生教学和未来的职业中取得成功. 本课程要求学生将他们的写作技巧运用到学生和家庭中, and therefore this course is suitable as WID.

HPE 424是一门WID课程,因为实习教师必须在现场才能编写教师候选人工作样本, 从他们第一次在HPE 417中部分地写到第一次在HPE 418中完整地写,再一次显示了他们写作的增长, to HPE 424 when they demonstrate mastery of all parts of the TCWS. 

学生将在你们系的WID课程中学习和练习什么形式或类型的写作? 为什么会有这些类型?

在我们的WID课程中,学生将学习和练习一系列不同类型的写作. Genres include persuasive writing (rationales in HPE 200, 418和424), reflective writing (observation and teaching reflections in HPE 418和424), procedural writing (lesson and unit plans in HPE 418和424), analytical writing (the TCWS and video analysis in HPE 418, 422 and 424) and professional writing (letters to families, 管理员, 演讲, 等.). 这些类型最符合学生在健康教育教学领域所需的技能,并提供深度和广度,以最好地为他们的专业任务做好准备.


健康教育计划通过给学生分配高风险和低风险的写作任务,为学生提供了发展写作技能的机会. 这里没有描述的许多低风险任务支持为高风险评估目的而评估的技能. In order to develop competent writers in the Health Education Program, the following strategies are used in our WID courses:

  • In-class demonstrations, 并举例说明在书面工作中在哪里以及如何查找和使用信息的来源和过程.
  • In-class demonstrations, with examples of completed work samples.
  • Provision of in-class and homework practice of writing tasks.
  • Provision and explanation of exemplars.
  • Provision of feedback from instructor and peers.
  • Revision opportunities.
  • Encouragement and, when necessary, added support from RIC’s Writing Center.
  • Explicit prompts aligned with the evaluation tool.

When they’ve satisfied your department’s WID requirement, what should students know and be able to do with writing?

Upon completion of our WID courses, students will be able to use writing to:

  • Present in-class demonstrations, 并举例说明在书面工作中在哪里以及如何查找和使用信息的来源和过程.
  • Write in a way that clearly communicates lesson and unit plans.
  • Demonstrate health literacy.
  • Communicate effectively to families and their professional community.
  • Incorporate a variety of writing tasks into lessons for multiple intelligence students.
  • Engage in useful reflection leading to professional growth.
  • 寻找机会与健康教育领域的专业人士分享写作.
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